NPMS Valentine's/Winter Dance - Friday, February 28, 2025 - 6-8 p.m. Open to NPMS students only. Cost is $5 at the door.

Friday, February 7, 2025 - NPMS Heart Awareness Day - Wear Red!

As we continue to progress through this Winter, take this opportunity to download the My Ride K-12 app. This awesome piece of tech allows you to track your student's bus ride. This is also available to students.

Good Afternoon,
Due to possible weather coming in this evening, North Putnam Community Schools will be using caution and postponing all events scheduled for this evening (December 11, 2024) including athletic practices. The Winter programs will be rescheduled as follows: Middle School/High School program will be December 17 at 6:30 p.m. Bainbridge Elementary will be December 18. Kindergarten at 5:30 p.m. first and second grade at 6:30 p.m. Thank you for your understanding and stay safe.

Looking for a great way to support our programs here at NP? Look no further!

Paige’s Music will be at North Putnam High School on Wednesday, August 21st from 6-7 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to talk with representatives from Paige’s on how to rent an instrument and answer any questions.

Check out the Back to School Edition of our Corporation Electronic Newsletter!

Did you miss our registration dates and still want to join the North Putnam Family? It's not too late, contact your student's potential building and set up a meeting with the building personnel to enroll your student today. All buildings are open and personnel ready to answer your phone call from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM daily.
It's always a great day to be a part of Cougar Nation!

North Putnam Community School Corporatin New Student Registration

NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION will be held at each building on
July 31, 2024 from 1:00-6:00 p.m.

Parents and Guardians of incoming 6th-grade students: MARK THE DATE! August 1, 2024, will be our Annual 6th-grade Orientation night for students, parents, and guardians. The event will take place from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Let's have 100 percent of our now Cougars in attendance!! Questions? Contact - Ms. Jessyca South, NPMS 6th-grade Team Leader, jsouth@nputnam.k12.in.us

Students and parents/guardians of 2024/25 NPMS students - let's keep the growth going! NPMS students showed great growth during the 2023-24 year, but we can always be better. Students are challenged to master 80 new ELA and 80 new Math skills (grade 6-8 skills). These skills will be tracked this summer and students who meet this mark by August 5, 2024 will qualify for a FREE Burger and Bowling event to take place during August 2024.
Let's do this Cougars!!!!!!!!

Cougar families - looking for help with the long summer break and the expense of meals for students? Look no further!

Cougar Family,
Happy end of the 23-24 school year! Final grades are now available in PowerSchool for grading Period 4 and semester 2. You can also view grades for the 2023-24 school year.
On a computer: click Grade History from the left-hand menu to access grades for the whole school year. You can also view the Course-Based Report Card
On the Mobile App: click 23-24 to view grades for the whole school year.
Thank you for all your support for your student throughout the year. We hope they have a fun, safe summer.
Helen Dunn
School Counselor
North Putnam Middle School

North Putnam Community School Corporation will be hosting an early New Student Registration June 4th at all North Putnam schools 1:00-6:00 p.m. This is for any student/family that will be new to the North Putnam Community School District.

Good Morning,
Bus 10 (Denis Gray) does not have a driver this morning., December 8, 2023. We will send a bus back around after 7:50 a.m. If you are able to make other arrangements to bring your student to school that would be helpful. Thank you for being patient while waiting on a bus to come around.

Good Morning,
North Putnam bus 19 will be runing about an hour late this morning October 30, 2023.

1st 9 week grades are now finalized and available for parents and guardians to view through PowerSchool. Paper copies of report cards will be sent home with students on Monday, October 23.

All North Putnam Schools are on a 2 hour delay today September 29th due to fog.