Parents and Guardians,
I hope that your Fall Break was refreshing and relaxing! Our students and staff have worked very hard during the 1st 9 weeks. I am happy with the progress I am seeing, but we are far from the finished product. I am including several important dates for you to mark your calendars for the next 9 weeks. These dates and times are also available on the Events portion of our NPMS website -
10/23 - Printed copies of report cards will be sent home with students. These have already been made available online.
10/25 - NP Trunk or Treat - 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
11/3 - NPMS 4 Star Award Friday - Students accumulate stars throughout each 9 weeks based on Absences, Tardies, Grades, and Discipline Referrals. Be on the lookout for more information on options your child will be given to celebrate the hard work of all students.
11/3 - NPMS Fall Ball - 6-8:00 p.m. $2 per students (open to current NPMS students only).
11/5 - Daylight Savings time ends
11/7 - NPMS Picture Retakes
11/10 - NPMS/HS Veterans' Day Program - 10:30 a.m.
11/22 - 11/26 - NP Thanksgiving Break
12/18 - NPMS/HS Winter Band and Choir Concert - 6:30 p.m.
A reminder to all - we do have Homework Space available every M,T, and W with the focus of each day being Math on Monday and Wednesday. English Language Arts help will be available on Tuesdays. Homework Space is open to all students who wish to get some extra help from NPMS staff members from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Transportation is not provided.
Bus Riders - A reminder to all students that our buses are an extension of the school grounds. Behavior on the buses can lead to removal of bus privileges. Please help keep our students and drivers safe by reinforcing good bus citizenship with your student(s).
Student Arrival and Pick-Up - A reminder to all parents and guardians that pick-up and arrival for NPMS takes place behind the NPMS/HS buildings at Door #15. The circle drive is not where students are picked-up or dropped-off.
Pre-Arranged Absences - A reminder to all parents and guardians to be certain to contact our Attendance Office with all requests for Pre-Arranged Absences. We ask that these be done at least 2 weeks prior to the vacation. Please do not assume that absences will be excused, we are held accountable for student attendance. NPMS's attendance goal is at least a 96 percent attendance rate each day.
Contacting Staff Members with Questions - I encourage all of you to continue speaking with your student(s) teachers for help with homework, basic questions, or to simply check-in. We couldn't do this without you and the work you put in with your student(s). Staff contact information can be found on the Staff portion of the NPMS website -
- Cougar Pride!
Mr. Bucky Kramer
NPMS Principal