Dear Parent/Guardian/Student:
We are excited to begin the 2023-2024 school year on Wednesday, August 9th. Our teachers returned to their classrooms today and were in professional development sessions throughout today, and will be tomorrow as well. For that reason, our building will be closed to all visitors/parents/students.
Welcome New Staff Members to NPHS:
Mrs. Amee Bryan - Registrar/Health Aid
Mr. Bart Cassida - Math
Miss Megan Hamilton - School Counselor
Mr. Brian Henry - Social Studies
Mr. Caleb Hubble - English/Language Arts
Mrs. Alisa Isaacs-Bailey - English Language Arts
Mr. Adam Nicodemus - Temporary Math (Initially to cover a maternity leave)
Mrs. Emily Shippy - Choir
PowerSchool Migration:
We continue to attempt to migrate all students into the PowerSchool Database. We need your help to ensure we can continue to communicate with all parents. Please make sure you complete the PowerSchool registration so that we can continue to communicate with you in the most efficient manner possible.
The migration to a new student information system is a difficult process, and every staff, student, and parent has to learn a new system. We believe that this new platform will greatly benefit all parties in the long run. Harmony had some benefits, but also some great barriers. Powerschool is a superior product, but is expansive in its capabilities for staff. Because of its scope, there is a lot to learn, and this takes time.
NPHS/NPMS School Day:
School Open for Bus/Rider Dropoff: 7:50 AM
School Day Begins: 8:15 AM
School Day Ends: 3:17 PM
First Day Schedule/Locker Pickup:
When students arrive they will pick up the most up to date copy of their schedule. This will also have their locker number/combination on this document. This is the schedule students should follow on the first day of school. If students identify issues, please have them complete a student support ticket on their chromebook or come to the student services office.
Car Rider Dropoff/Pickup:
This will continue to occur behind the building. We ask that you be patient with our staff as we get everyone back into a routine. Please pull up as far as possible, and if your student is generally slow to exit, please park in the parking spots in the back and wait for your student. Please be mindful of pedestrians anytime driving on the NPHS/NPMS campus.
Area 30 Specific Information:
This linked document will be provided to Area 30 students later this week and attempts to answer most of the frequently asked questions. Please remember students are expected to ride the bus to and from Area 30 each day they attend the Area 30 campus.
For a copy of the Area 30 calendar for the 2023-2024 school year, please follow this link.
School Calendar:
For a copy of our school calendar for the 2023-2024 school year, please follow this link.
Schedules and Schedule Change Requests:
If students need schedule changes they are encouraged to complete a guidance support ticket or stop by the student services office to get on the list. Counselors will not complete schedule requests to change teachers, accommodate lunch periods, or to be with friends. Students should have an academic reason for requesting a schedule change.
Lunch Accounts and Free/Reduced Lunch Application:
Information will be forthcoming from the Central Office/Food Service Department regarding a new online platform for lunch accounts, and paying for lunch fees online. Active balances/deficiencies at the conclusion of the 2022-2023 school year have been maintained. The new program will also be the manner in which parents will apply for Free/Reduced Lunch.
2023-2024 Lunch Prices:
Full Pay: $2.00
Reduced: $ 0.30
Full Pay: $3.25
Reduced: $ 0.40
2023-2024 Student Handbook:
Follow this link to read the student handbook for the upcoming school year.
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Headphones/AirPods/Etc:
The single largest disruption to the educational environment is cell phones. Our teachers will be setting expectations regarding their use in their classroom on day one. Please help us by talking with your student about their cell phone use during the day, and please do not contribute to the distraction by texting or calling your student while they are in class. We understand that your student keeps their phone on silent; however, most students fail to have the self control to keep from checking their phone when it vibrates. These momentary distractions can often lead to larger issues in the classroom. In addition, the high school is not responsible for lost or misplaced items by our students. “AirPods” are too easily left behind, stolen, or dropped/damaged. We encourage students to keep these items at home.
Important Dress Code Changes:
Changes have been made to the handbook regarding student dress code. Shirts must cover stomachs and backs. No crop-tops, midriffs, or tank tops. Bra straps should not be visible. Any student who is in violation of the dress code the first time will be asked to go to the nurse's office to get a shirt to change into.
Hoods will no longer be allowed. Students MAY wear hoodie sweatshirts, but they are not allowed to wear the hood on their head.
If we can be of any help to you or your student as we prepare for school, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Jason Chew
765-522-6282, 303
Amanda Williams
Assistant Principal
765-522-6282, 302